While nail trims are a procedure we are happy to help you with, sometimes it isn’t possible to get your pet into the clinic!  We can help you to learn how to perform those feline manicures at home.  In this video, our RVT Christine, and her furry friend “Lucy” show us how to do a nail trim on your kitty.

We do carry nail trimmers for sale in the clinic, and are happy to get you all equipped with what you need for your pet’s spa day!

A few other helpful tips:

Break down the nail trim into smaller time periods.  If you only do one paw a day, that’s ok!  It sometimes takes a while for your pet to get used to the procedure and feel comfortable.  Treats help, as does a calm pet and calm owner.

Before attempting nail trims at home, please contact us for more information on equipment, and what to do if you trim a nail too short.